What is an Ohitsu?
An ohitsu is a wooden container for storing cooked rice. It is one of Japan's traditional kitchen utensils and has been used since ancient times to keep rice fresh. By transferring rice to an ohitsu, you can remove excess moisture while still maintaining the flavor of freshly cooked rice, allowing you to maintain the deliciousness of the rice for a long time.
The History of Ohitsu
The history of ohitsu dates back to the Edo period. At that time, rice was an important staple food, and special care was taken to preserve it. Ohitsu was invented in this environment, and it was discovered that the natural moisture-regulating properties of wood were extremely effective in preserving the quality of rice. It has been a favorite of Japanese households for a long time since then.
How to use an ohitsu
- Cooking rice : First, cook the rice in a rice cooker or pot.
- Transfer the rice : Transfer the cooked rice to the rice container. It is a good idea to loosen the rice when you put it in.
- Reheating : Rice taken out of the rice container can be reheated in the microwave, but unlike rice that has been kept warm for a long time in a rice cooker, the rice itself contains a different amount of moisture, so it remains delicious when reheated in the microwave.
Advantages of Ohitsu
- Moisture regulation : The wood of the rice container absorbs excess moisture from the rice and maintains the right amount of humidity. This keeps the rice from becoming sticky and keeps it fluffy.
- Maintains flavor : The natural aroma of the wood is subtly transferred to the rice, making it taste even more delicious.
- Temperature control : Ohitsu keeps rice from cooling down and allows you to store it at the right temperature.
How to choose an ohitsu
- Material : Ohitsu are generally made from wood such as Kiso sawara, which has a pleasant fragrance and is very durable.
- Size : Choose a size that suits the number of people in your household. Generally, there are 3 to 5 cups of rice.
- Design : There are Edo-style bins (kabuse-bits) that have a stylish and elegant appearance, and Kansai-style bins (nose-bits) that have handles on the lid. There is no difference in the effectiveness of the ohitsu itself, so it is best to choose one that looks the way you like it.
How to care for your rice cooker
- Wash immediately after use : After transferring the rice, wash it immediately with lukewarm water. Do not use detergent. Use a soft sponge or a natural scrubbing brush to remove dirt.
- Dry thoroughly : After washing, let it air dry in a well-ventilated place. Be careful not to leave it damp as this can cause mold.
- Storage method : Store in a well-ventilated place or put newspaper inside. Do not store in a plastic bag.
The ohitsu is a simple, traditional kitchen item, but its effectiveness remains current even in modern times. Why not try using an ohitsu, packed with ideas for preserving rice deliciously, to further enrich your daily meals?