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Maillard reaction and iron frying pans: Tips for beginners to cook food with professional taste

When cooking, there is an indescribable joy in the moment when the ingredients are browned and a fragrant aroma fills...


Enjoy authentic charcoal grilling at home: The appeal of tabletop stoves

When you hear the word charcoal grilling, many people may think of camping or barbecues, but you can actually enjoy...


The Appeal and History of Oshizushi

Oshizushi is a type of traditional Japanese sushi that is especially popular in the Kansai region. Characterized by its gorgeous...


Maillard reaction and iron frying pans: Tips for beginners to cook food with professional taste

When cooking, there is an indescribable joy in the moment when the ingredients are browned and a fragrant aroma fills the air. The "Maillard reaction" is involved in this moment when you feel "that looks delicious!" In this article, we will explain what the Maillard reaction is and how it can be used in cooking, using an iron frying pan in particular.

Enjoy authentic charcoal grilling at home: The appeal of tabletop stoves

When you hear the word charcoal grilling, many people may think of camping or barbecues, but you can actually enjoy authentic charcoal grilling at home. This is made possible by a tabletop charcoal grill. In this article, we will introduce the appeal and features of such tabletop grills.

The Appeal and History of Oshizushi

Oshizushi is a type of traditional Japanese sushi that is especially popular in the Kansai region. Characterized by its gorgeous appearance and strong flavor, it is often eaten at celebratory occasions and on special occasions. In this article, we will take a closer look at the history of oshizushi, how to make it, and its appeal.